







ALUMINUM (Al) CSAL40 40u" (1.00um) CSAL120 120u" (3.00um) CSAL200 200u" (5.00um) CSAL500 500u" (12.5um) GOLD (Au) CSAU2 2u" (0.05um) CSAU4 4u" (0.10um) CSAU10 10u" (0.25um) CSAU20 20u" (0.50um) CSAU40 40u" (1.00um) CSAU80 80u" (2.00um) CSAU120 120u" (3.00um) CSAU200 200u" (5.00um) PALLADIUM (Pd) CSPD4 4u&…



ALUMINUM (Al) CSAL40 40u" (1.00um) CSAL120 120u" (3.00um) CSAL200 200u" (5.00um) CSAL500 500u" (12.5um) GOLD (Au) CSAU2 2u" (0.05um) CSAU4 4u" (0.10um) CSAU10 10u" (0.25um) CSAU20 20u" (0.50um) CSAU40 40u" (1.00um) CSAU80 80u" (2.00um) CSAU120 120u" (3.00um) CSAU200 200u" (5.00um) PALLADIUM (Pd) CSPD4 4u&…



X射线测厚仪标准校正片,建档标准片,校正标准片,X射线标准校正,美国Calmetrics膜厚仪标准片Calibration Standard: X射线测厚仪标准片 镀层标准片膜厚片 测厚仪标准片 其专门为仪器大厂如Fischer、Oxford(CMI)、Thermo、Veeco、Micro Pioneer、Seiko等生产制作标准样品。 适用于Fischer、Oxford、CMI、Thermo、Veeco、Micro Pioneer、Seiko等各厂牌X-ray(X射线测厚仪)、 β-ray(β射线测厚仪)、磁感式及涡电流等多种原理的各种规格与尺寸。特色:标准片A2LA校正认证,质量精良,精度高、稳定性好 X-Ray、β-Ray、磁感式、涡电流式专用标准片 测厚仪标准片又名膜厚仪校准片或者薄膜片,专业用于X射线测厚仪(膜厚仪)在测金属镀层厚度时进行的仪器标准化…



AQG-5型薄板精密切割机适用于对PCB,钢板,陶瓷片,瓦片,玻璃片,碳纤维等薄板进行精密的无变形切割。 该设备可使用树脂片或金刚石片;手动/自动状态可互相转化;切割精度高;调速范围大;切割能力强;大容量循环冷却系统;可预设进刀速度;菜单式控制;液晶显示;密闭的带安全开关切割室。是工矿企业,科研院所制备高品质试样的理想设备之一。 技术参数: 1、进刀速度:0~30mm/min(调节步长为0.1mm) 2、砂轮转速:300~5000rpm 3、最大切割厚度:25mm(直径200mm),15mm(直径150mm) 4、最大行程:200mm 5、切割片尺寸:150mm;200mm 6、电源:220V 50HZ 7、外形尺寸:570mm×740mm×355mm(长×宽×高)



HI 902C Automatic Titration System Intuitive user interface USB port allows for the transfer of methods and reports to a PC or another titrator via USB flash drive Field upgradeable software RS232 port allows direct connection to an analytical laboratory balance Multi language support Four working modes; potentiometric titrator, pH meter, mV meter, and ISE meter Potentiometric titr…
HI902C Automatic Titration System Intuitive user interface USB port allows for the transfer of methods and reports to a PC or another titrator via USB flash drive Field upgradeable software RS232 port allows direct connection to an analytical laboratory balance Multi language support Four working modes; potentiometric titrator, pH meter, mV meter, and ISE meter Potentiometric titrator…



HI96751 Sulfate Portable Photometer CAL CHECK™ User calibration Certified calibration and verification standards BEPS (Battery Error Prevention System) TIMER function Auto shut-off GLP Features Sulfate is widely present within natural waters in different concentrations. Sulfate concentration is to be kept within a strict range for drinking water, es…
HI96714 Cyanide Portable Photometer AL CHECK™ User calibration Certified calibration and verification standards BEPS (Battery Error Prevention System) TIMER function Auto shut-off GLP Features The HI 96714 meter measures the cyanide concentration in waters. The meter uses an exclusive positive-locking system to ensure that the cuvette is in the same pos…
HI96729 Fluoride, Low Range, Portable Photometer CAL CHECK™ User calibration Certified calibration and verification standards BEPS (Battery Error Prevention System) TIMER function Auto shut-off GLP Features The HI 96729 meter measures the fluoride (F–) content in the 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (ppm) range, in drinking, surface and waste waters. The…
HI96700 Ammonia, Low Range, Portable Photometer CAL CHECK™ User calibration Certified calibration and verification standards BEPS (Battery Error Prevention System) TIMER function Auto shut-off GLP Features The HI 96700 meter measures the ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) content in water samples. These meters use an exclusive positive-locking system to ens…
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